We All Go
I painted this piece in honor of #motherhood, of mothers that came before us, grandmothers, great grandmothers and the buds of new flowers that they give to life. Our flowers come time to bloom and then we watch the unfolding bloom of the next generation reaching for the light.
I painted this piece in honor of #motherhood, of mothers that came before us, grandmothers, great grandmothers and the buds of new flowers that they give to life. Our flowers come time to bloom and then we watch the unfolding bloom of the next generation reaching for the light.
I painted this piece in honor of #motherhood, of mothers that came before us, grandmothers, great grandmothers and the buds of new flowers that they give to life. Our flowers come time to bloom and then we watch the unfolding bloom of the next generation reaching for the light.