Augius has shown locally, nationally and internationally in exhibitions, galleries and museums
over 100 shows and counting….and collected worldwide
It all begins with an idea; then there is a journey of production, materials, dreaming, testing, re-testing, re-imagining, savoring, perfecting, accepting, completing, stretching, framing, transporting, shipping, installing, describing, labeling, communicating, developing relationships, marketing, traveling, sharing your work, explaining it, selling it, saying goodbye to it, celebrating it, and then… starting all over again and again and again!
The current show is at the Samogitian Museum in Lithuania. Krista Augius presents her artwork, “A Reflection of Lineage” in celebration with her late grandfather Paulius Augius-Augustinavičius’ art at the Samogitian Museum, “Žemaičiu Dailes Muziejus” in Plunge, Lithuania, April - June 2024. Paulius Augius-Augustinavičius 1909-1960 was a Lithuanian graphic artist and whose work is being celebrated by the Samogitian Museum as a highlight of the 9th annual world Samogitian art show.